Monday, March 06, 2006

Go East young man!

India has been a land that has always welcomed outsiders. It has been a favourite destination for travellers and invaders for generations. Now we are all set for the high-tech invasion.

Take a look at this recent coverage by CBS:

A report on young Americans who have made India their home, and another calling India a land of contrasts.

Some tips for the daring ones before they embark upon their trip to India:
1. Make sure you take some elephant riding lessons at your local zoo. Pay special attention to the nuances of parallel parking,
2. Make sure you memorize atleast a hundred names of Indian Gods and Goddesses out of the millions documented so far,
3. Practice the squatting technique for atleast a month or else beware of the great Indian loo, [Link]
4. Mark 1" circles of different colors at forehead level on your wall and practice focussing on them every 10 mins. You'd need this technique to identify one woman from another in India,
5. Resist all urges to use cutlery while dinning out from now on. Practice techniques of using your fingers and palm of your hands in several dynamic contortions to manouveur your food.

Whatever you do, you cannot resist falling in love with this beautiful country- a country so diverse yet so unified!


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