Monday, November 14, 2005

Brave new ways to move the world

The Initiative
Brave New Films claim to tell us 'stories to build movements that can move the world'. Oh! We do need some help with that. We do seem to be stuck in one place or going around in circles.

What Happened
Ever wondered, why downtowns in some of the smaller towns like ours are so desolate and empty. So many old and quaint structures lie empty without a soul in sight. What happened to all the businesses? Downtowns are the heart of probably every American city- the city has no character without them. So what does this have to do with you? It has everything to do with you- because you are part of this society and you cannot just afford to sit back and watch! It shouldn't take too much intelligence to figure out that the more we take interest in things beyond our four walls- the brighter will be the the future of this society.

What's Happening
Do your share- join the movement! Catch the next screening of the film-

" WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Price takes you behind the glitz and into the real lives of workers and their families, business owners and their communities, in an extraordinary journey that will challenge the way you think, feel... and shop". - quote from the WAL-MART blog.

In your town
College Station had a screening of the Walmart movie on Sunday Nov 13 at the Friends Congregational Church. There will possibly be another screening in Bryan at the Revolution Bar and Cafe. Watch this space for announcements.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Walmart is what can be the tip of the ice-berg, Aren't we all here at the high cost to our country for our good earning ? The problem is often in us, big corporations like Walmart is just the icing of that problem.

7:35 AM  
Blogger RadioActive Ray said...

NO sir, Walmart is not the tip of the ice-berg, it is one of them! It is huge- it is affecting millions not only in this country but starting to influence the economies of other countries. The point of this article was to raise awareness of the fact that Walmart is managing to lower employee standards not only in this country but in all other countries they do business. It is just a modern form of slavery. Watching this movie would help to understand more.
The issue of brain drain and it's impact on the Indian economy is debatable in today's world. Things are changing dynamically and it would need more understanding of the current facts to comment on it. But what would probably help is having that good intention in heart to give back to your motherland in some way. Thanks for the dialogue!

6:58 AM  

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