Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Gandhi's Dandi March still inspires

On Sunday March 12, 2006, a group of anti-war protesters set off on what will be a 241-mile march for peace across the Mexico-US border and through California. At 6:30 Sunday morning the marchers set off from Tijuana Mexico. They crossed the Mexico-US border later that day, and plan to end the march with a rally in the California city of La Paz.

Key organizer Pablo Paredes, an Iraq war resister was a Navy petty officer who refused orders to board a ship in 2004 heading to Iraq. He draws inspiration from Mahatma Gandhi's 241 mile Dandi march and non-violent struggle to generate public support. [Link]

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Quote from the website:
Despite embarking on a very bloody and costly war with no just cause; President Bush insists on disrespecting Mohandas K. Gandhi memory by visiting his grave to lay down a memorial wreath. Fortunately, many in America do understand Gandhi's teaching of peace and non-violence. On March 12, 2006 3 young latino conscientious objectors and 1 parent of a fallen latino will lead a march for peace inspired by Gandhi's 241 mile salt march. The march will coincide with the anniversary of the war in Iraq, the anniversary of Gandhi's salt march and will end just as congress reviews key war related legislation. High profile activists such as Cindy Sheehan and Dolores Huerta will also support and participate in this effort.


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