Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Why donate?

What on Earth brings you maximum happiness? Sharing... Right?

There is so much suffering, so many negativities in this world. And then there are these few of us who have so much in our lives. Don't we? If we can share a little; a pinch of our resources for a good cause- it does not hurt at all. In fact, it brings so much joy!

Think of it like this:
You are walking down the street with a packet of bread for your dinner. You'd also have some salad, some pasta and a drink to go with it tonight. Suddenly you see a hungry old man at the corner of the street. Wouldn't you just break a
piece of your bread and give it to the old man? You won't go hungry tonight- but how pleased would you be in your heart to think that at least tonight the poor man won't go to bed with a hungry stomach? That's the joy to live for!
So, pick up a few good social efforts in your vicinity and support them!

Giving back to the community for a good cause is one such thing. KEOS 89.1 FM [Link] is an all volunteer community radio station that works selflessly to provide the community with entertainment, knowledge, wisdom and truth. That's a great cause to support! Isn't it?

It's our Spring Fund Drive!
KEOS depends on support from listeners like you to continue providing the radio programming that you've made a part of your life. Every dollar that you give goes directly to work for you and all KEOS listeners! We have a secure site, so that you can make your donation with confidence. Here's the [Link]. If you don't feel comfortable pledging on-line, please print out your pledge to mail in.

Be the change you want to see in the world! - Mahatma Gandhi

Thank you!!


Blogger Aswin Kini said...

Great words from a good human being, three cheers for your noble thoughts. Unfortunately, in our country , good persons are being treated like mousepads, everybody runs over them. It is very sad to note that honesty now-a-days is losing its charm. Anyway, Iam happy to see atleast one person writing about noble thoughts. Three cheers, happy blogging.

1:10 AM  
Blogger RadioActive Ray said...

Well if young people like you resign to such things in life- more and more people in our country will be on the wrong side than right! Stand up for your values and beliefs!
What distinguishes us from the rest of the world are our traditional values- that is the secret of our strength as a nation.
Nothing on this Earth is perfect, but all of us who realize it can atleast strive to do the right thing to the best of our capacity.

7:09 AM  
Blogger Aswin Kini said...

Yes ,i agree , i will do my best to do good things.

11:07 PM  

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